Thursday, 10 July 2014

Blog entry number two of what will be many!
I've been reflecting on the textbook for LRNT502, Mindful Research in Social Research, and I find that I am quite interested in the various approaches to research. Having not ever really done any true, long-term research (longer than a few days surfing the web for something! lol!), it is cool to think that there are many ways that I can tackle a research question and that formulating the question properly is so important in terms of taking the correct research path.
Of course, some of these "cultures of inquiry" would be fairly obvious to most, such as doing quantitative research. How many people do X while they are in Y situation while striving to achieve Z, etc.? Numbers and stats are where most people's minds head to when thinking about research, I believe. But, clearly, there is more to it that that and for many types of pressing questions, such an approach to researching a topic would fail right out of the gate. So I am feeling compelled to be certain to get as much as I can from this course, as I feel it will form the foundation for much of what is to come throughout this Masters program.
Some days, I have my doubts about being able to compete on the level required to do strong work for this program but then I hear that many are feeling similar and that feeling fades away and becomes something more akin to excitement. What will my research area be? Will I enjoy it? Will it contribute in some way to the world or will it simply contribute to my personal growth? Will it enhance my professional career? Will it be, like, hard and stuff? (lol!)
Only time will tell, I guess, but as I settle in to my studies I am feeling more like this is where I should be right now; i.e. I made the right choice. And if I've learned anything in my years on this rock it's that life is ALL about the choices one makes, good or bad.
So tonight (yes tonight for me as I'm 4.5 hours ahead of most everyone, except for Michelle R. who is in Qatar and literally on the other side of the clock!), we have a guest speaker, one of the authors of the text. I am very interested to see what he brings to us in this session. It has been a while since the publication of this text so surely he has progressed in his field and will have some new insights for the cohort. It should be interesting and informative.
Until next time, I leave you with this little quote from a famous little green dude of Star Wars fame:
"[Luke:] I can't believe it! [Yoda:] That is why you fail."
I try to make this my mantra as I continue my studies and my life. Might work for you, too! :-)

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